Register and pay BEFORE March 29th
$20—Glow-in-the-dark t-shirt and button picked up at check-in.
Register and pay AFTER March 29th
$25—A button, but no guarantee of a t-shirt. First come, first serve.
Kids ages 10 and under also will receive glow-in-the-dark necklaces with their registration.
Awards Trophies will be awarded to the top overall male and female finishers, plus the top finisher of each age group.
Free Drawing All race entrants will be entered into a prize drawing.
Send completed entry form and check to:
Glow Run Entry
Belle Plaine Chamber
PO Box 721
Belle Plaine, KS 67013
Or pay using the secure PayPal cart below. Mail or email entry to

Glow Run Registration April 11th
T-Shirt included with entry fee